EMC and Power Electronics Workshop

Please join us for a 2-day virtual EMC and Power Electronics Workshop.

EMC and Power Electronics Workshop Day 1: March 6th, 2024

Spread Spectrum to Reduce EMI (Presented by Florian Seliger, MPS) | 7:30 AM PST | 10:30 AM EST | 4:30 PM CET

Discover the impacts, benefits, and limitations of frequency spread spectrum (FSS) technologies and their impact on the EMI spectrum of an SMPS.

Measurement Fundamentals of AC/DC SMPSs (Presented by Alexander Kuellmer, R&S) | 8:30 AM PST | 11:30 AM EST | 5:30 PM CET

Learn about the significance of Switched-Mode Power Supplies in modern electronics, the importance of selecting appropriate oscilloscope tools for accurate measurements, and an overview of AC/DC SMPS measurements

EMI/EMC Debugging Conducted Emissions with Oscilloscopes (Presented by Arturo Mediano, UNIZAR) | 9:30 AM PST | 12:30 PM EST | 6:30 PM CET

Learn practical strategies for troubleshooting EMI/EMC conducted emissions in electronic circuits using advanced scopes with LISN, voltage probes, and near-field probes to analyze signals in both time and frequency domains, demonstrated through an MPS DC/DC converter.

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EMC and Power Electronics Workshop Day 2: March 14th, 2024

Layout Optimization for Buck Converters and Half-Bridges (Presented by Francesc Estragues, MPS) | 7:30 AM PDT | 10:30 AM EDT | 3:30 PM CET

Discover critical current loops in half-bridge topologies, optimize Buck converter layouts with practical examples, and debunk power electronics myths.

Power Electronics Measurement Challenges (Presented by Alexander Kuellmer, R&S) | 8:30 AM PDT | 11:30 AM EDT | 4:30 PM CET

Learn about wide-bandgap semiconductor conditioning of voltage and current probing, the impact of parasitics on high-voltage measurements, and the effects of interconnections on measured signals.

EMI/EMC Debugging Radiated Emissions with Oscilloscopes (Presented by Arturo Mediano, UNIZAR) | 9:30 AM PDT | 12:30 PM EDT | 5:30 PM CET

Learn practical strategies for troubleshooting EMI/EMC conducted emissions in electronic circuits using advanced scopes with LISN, voltage probes, and near-field probes to analyze signals in both time and frequency domains, demonstrated through an MPS DC/DC converter.

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